Welcome, and what this blog is...

During Spring 2008, creative writing students from Community College of Philadelphia attended the AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) Conference in New York, supported by a college Mini-Grant. Students were asked to keep a journal of their time there, so what you have here are their thoughts and reflections on this crash course into the world of literary arts. At the conference, the students not only attended lectures and workshops, they also navigated a networking scene of more than 8,000 attendees, which ranged from venerable literary lions to pretentious wannabes, as well as every gradation in between. Hopefully the sage advice they received will help them avoid pitfalls and on the path of becoming published writers. One thing's for sure... they now know the hard work they're in for!

Mr. Kelly McQuain, Associate Professor
English 285: Portfolio Development
Certificate Program in Creative Writing
Community College of Philadelphia

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gracie in New York Post 1

The Family "Woo"

Sully, Keisha, Gwyneth, Marvin, Patricia, Tiffany and Thom

(we misplaced Martin, but we found him later)

I must admit, I was apprehensive in the beginning about spending 4 days with 10 complete strangers but I wasted that mental state. The AWP conference with CCP was a most exciting and fun experience. A few of us read in front of an audience for the first time. One of us came in second at the Poetry Slam (the overall consensus is the judges couldn't count). And, five of us shared Sully's cold. I found out other uses for skunks (although, I probably won't indulge). The iPhone gives excellent directions to BB King's Restaurant, as long as someone with good eyesight is reading the map.

We covered a multitude of seminars and readings. I know this because I didn't run into my classmates too often, despite rumors to the contrary. As representatives of one of the writing programs of this conference, we did CCP and the family "Woo" proud.

I witnessed the uniform of a writer with 12 books and 3 films (you must wear black, sport silver gray hair and never let anyone forget that you have written 12 books and 3 films). I fell in love with poetry, at least the works I was privileged to hear read by their authors. I watched my classmates write spontaneously and marveled at their ability to put what they felt into words so quickly.

In the coming entries, I'll post pictures and the good advice from some well-known writers and writing professionals. The posts will be numbered in the title and dated in the body.

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