Welcome, and what this blog is...

During Spring 2008, creative writing students from Community College of Philadelphia attended the AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) Conference in New York, supported by a college Mini-Grant. Students were asked to keep a journal of their time there, so what you have here are their thoughts and reflections on this crash course into the world of literary arts. At the conference, the students not only attended lectures and workshops, they also navigated a networking scene of more than 8,000 attendees, which ranged from venerable literary lions to pretentious wannabes, as well as every gradation in between. Hopefully the sage advice they received will help them avoid pitfalls and on the path of becoming published writers. One thing's for sure... they now know the hard work they're in for!

Mr. Kelly McQuain, Associate Professor
English 285: Portfolio Development
Certificate Program in Creative Writing
Community College of Philadelphia

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Keisha's 1st -very late but won't be the last- post

Sorry it took so long but if you are anyone who knows me you know that I have the bad habit of procrastinating. Also, it's Sully's fault, his contagious AWP sickness finally made it's way to me!

Aside from that and more on AWP! It was a great experience. I like to consider myself an up and coming writer, learning the in's and out's of the whole writing industry so to be among so many established writers was incredible. Before I realized that I really wanted to write novels, I believed that anyone who had a book out on the shelf in a store had to be doing something right, you know pleasing their audience and that they were making mad money doing it. I always thought they were like VIP. And even though I now understand that not many people actually make a living out of writing, and some may not be well known as others, I still thought it was an incredibly big deal to be there. I learned a lot from the panels.

Another great thing that I got out of attending AWP, was my first trip to NY!! I know, I know, it's pretty lame to be a twenty year old college student and never traveled to NY...but guess what? NOW I HAVE!!!! I had a great time too, especially the last night @ the open-mic. I'll comment on that the next time though.

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